Monte Carlo Simulations in R

Monte Carlo Simulations What is Monte Carlo Simulations? One of the main motivations to switch from spreadsheet-type tools (such as Microsoft Excel) to a program like R is for simulation modeling. R allows us to repeat the same (potentially complex and detailed) calculations with different random values over and over again. Within the same software, […]

A General Way to Perform an EDA

EDA: Introduction Hello everyone, welcome back to another new blog where we will explore different ideas and concept one could perform while performing an EDA. In simple words, this blog is a simple walk-through of an average EDA process which might include (in top down order): Data Loading: From various sources (remote, local) and various […]

Different Hypothesis Testing Using R

What is Hypothesis Testing It is a type of inferential statistics that involves extrapolating results from a sample (random) to the entire population. It is used to make decisions based on statistical tests and models that use the p-value, also known as the Type I error or alpha error. Type I Error : When we […]

Polynomial Regression Model in R

Polynomial Regression Curve fitting or curve-linear regression are additional words for the same thing. It is used when a scatterplot shows a non-linear relationship. It’s most typically employed with time series data, but it can be applied to a variety of other situations. Let’s use the Nepal Covid data and fit a polynomial models on […]

Python for Stock Market Analysis: Alpaca API

Introduction Alpaca Trading API is an API using which we can retrieve stock data in realtime. It provides various APIs and even streaming services. Please read about it in their docs. What is most exciting about this API and the librariy is that it returns the data as a Pandas Dataframe or even simple Dict […]

Introduction to Probability for Data Science: Getting Started

Introduction Hello there welcome to the new blog series about Probability in the Data Science field. Here in this blog, we will start from basic concepts needed in using Probability in some datasets. This blog is going to be very short and basic yet informative. Probability is all about measurement of some event’s occurrence. We […]

R Exercise: Validation & Cross-validation for Predictive Modeling

Validation & Cross-validation for Predictive Modeling including Linear Model as well as Multi Linear Model Before starting topic, let’s be familier on some term. Validation : An act of confirming something as true or correct. Also, Validation is the process of establishing documentary evidence that a procedure, process, or activity was carried out in testing […]

Python for Stock Market Analysis: Growth Rates

Introduction Interactive plot version of blog is available at here. This is the part 3 of our Python for Stock Market Analysis series and here, we will explore some of popular growth rates that can be used to see how well is our value is changing over the period of time. Lets take some of […]

Data Analysis Using Pipe Operator in R

Data Analysis Using Pipe Operator in R What is pipe operator? Pipe operators are strong tools for expressing a series of numerous operations in a clear and concise manner. The pipe is a part of the magrittr package. Pipe allows us to write code in a more readable and understandable manner. Lets see how. Why […]

Central Tendency vs Dispersion

Hello everyone, welcome back! In this blog we will again focus into the some of widely used central tendency techniques and then measure of spread in the Statistical Analysis of the EDA part. If you are looking for a brief walk-through of a Statistical Data Analysis in Data Science please refer to this blog of […]

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