Data science project can be a challenging but rewarding process. By following the steps we can use in this blog, you can work through the project in an organized and effective way, and ultimately arrive at a solution to your problem. Previously, we wrote blogs on many machine learning algorithms (Classification, Predication) as well as […]
Data Analysis
Something about Data Analysis.
Text Analysis with WordCloud in Python
WordCloud in Python can be done in different ways but one of the most popular and easier ones is using the package wordcloud. We can install it using the following way. !pip install wordcloud Requirement already satisfied: wordcloud in c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (1.8.1) Requirement already satisfied: pillow in c:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (from wordcloud) (8.0.1) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.6.1 in […]
Mathematics Behind Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Machine is supervised machine learning algorithm. In this blog, we are going to discuss how mathematically support vector machine works. We will also discuss the types of SVM and how to implement it in Python. So, let’s get started. In the past, we have authored blog posts covering a wide range of topics, […]
Basics of Stock Backtesting in Python
Stock Backtesting in Python is way of testing our strategy in a historical data to see if our strategy makes any money or not. Let’s start with a simple story. John and Joe are two best friends. They both earned some money from their hard working corporate job and wanted to invest it in a […]
News Classification with Simple Neural Network
News Classification with Simple Neural Network is one of the application of Deep Learning. And here in this part of the blog, I am going to perform a Nepali News Classification. Before jumping into the main part, I would love to share some of my previous contents based upon which this blog has been written. […]
Stock Price Prediction On Commercial Data Using LSTM
LSTMS are a variety of RNNs but lets start with RNNs. RNNs are unable to remember long-term dependencies in time series data because of the vanishing gradient issue. An RNN version called LSTM was created to deal with this problem. Similar to RNN, LSTM features a hidden state that functions as short-term memory. Additionally, it […]
Making People Search Tool in 2022 Using BeautifulSoup
Hello and welcome back everyone, in this part of the blog I am going to share how can we create our own people search tool using BeautifulSoup and Python. We will leverage the Google search engine to search for the profiles of people based on keyword and we will use GitHub’s search to do people […]
Kruskal Wallis H Test in News Data
Kruskal Wallis H Test What is Kruskal Wallis H Test Kruskal Wallis H test is a kind of non parametric test which means that there is no presence of parameter and parent population from which sample has been taken is not normally distributed. Kruskal Wallis H test is also known as non parametric version of […]
Apache Superset for COVID Dashboards
Apache Superset is a very useful and easy-to-use visualization and dashboard-making tool that can be an alternative to tools like Tableau and PowerBI. In this blog, we will explore how we can create awesome data dashboards using Apache superset with little to no code at all. But there are a few things one should do […]
Taking Data Apps into WebApp: Using Streamlit, Plotly, and Python
Introduction From the past 2 stories of a data and its journey to confess the insights, we have explored several areas and to point out few: We have done EDA based on descriptive and inferential part of the statistics to find strong evidences, relationships and facts about the data. We used some of valuable insights […]