Taking Data Apps into WebApp: Using Streamlit, Plotly, and Python

Introduction From the past 2 stories of a data and its journey to confess the insights, we have explored several areas and to point out few: We have done EDA based on descriptive and inferential part of the statistics to find strong evidences, relationships and facts about the data. We used some of valuable insights […]

Python for Stock Market Analysis: Exploring Technical Trend Indicators

Introduction Hello and welcome back everyone to our second part of the new blog series [Python for Stock Market Analysis](). In the last part, we explored different [types of moving averages]() like Simple Moving Average (SMA), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA) and explored other moving metrics like Moving Median and Moving Variance. […]

Python for Stock Market Analysis: Working with Moving Averages

Introduction This blog is a part of our series Python for Stock Market Analysis. Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purpose only and we do not recommend taking the knowledge gained from this blog to implement in real financial exercises. This blog tries to implement preliminary metrics that are used in the stock market analysis. […]

Creating Data Dashboard with Plotly in Streamlit

Data Dashboard are getting highly popular because the need to get insights from data is getting increased. One of the few ways we find the insights from the data is via dashboards. And for Data Analysts, there are options like tableau. But not all of them are for free. However, we can make some cool […]

Plotting Interactive plots with Plotly and Cufflinks

Plotting High Quality Plots in Python with Plotly and Clufflinks Interactive Plot This blog contains static images and is not rendering interactive plots thus we request you to visit this interactive blog. Introduction Hello everyone, in this blog we are going to explore some of most used and simplest plots in the data analysis. If […]

NEPSE (Nepal Stock Exchange) Data Visualizing and Deploy it on Heroku

Introduction Visualize Nepal Stock Exchange Data and Deploy it On Heroku Using Streamlit and Plotly. If you are from Nepal then you already know what Nepal Stock Exchange means. Honestly I don’t know how to describe stock market but after watching movie Pi, I wanted to take a look at NEPSE data by myself. I […]

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