Apache Superset is a very useful and easy-to-use visualization and dashboard-making tool that can be an alternative to tools like Tableau and PowerBI. In this blog, we will explore how we can create awesome data dashboards using Apache superset with little to no code at all. But there are a few things one should do […]
Month: June 2022
Multilayer Perceptron: Solving XOR Problem
Multilayer Perceptron: Solving XOR Problem from Scratch in Python In this blog we are going to explore how non-linear problem like XOR can be solved using multi layer perceptron. We have already tried how to apply multi layer perceptron on majority function please have a look here. We all are familiar with single layer perceptron […]
Taking Data Apps into WebApp: Using Streamlit, Plotly, and Python
Introduction From the past 2 stories of a data and its journey to confess the insights, we have explored several areas and to point out few: We have done EDA based on descriptive and inferential part of the statistics to find strong evidences, relationships and facts about the data. We used some of valuable insights […]
Multilayer Perceptron Using Majority Function From Scratch
Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) We all know that single layer perceptron are commonly used to classify problems that are linearly separable. If we choose a single layer perceptron for a non-linearly separable problem, the results may not be successful. As a result, we must look for an alternative solution to a non-linear problem, and one such […]
Beyond and Within EDA: Taking EDA into Modelling
Beyond and Within EDA Introduction This blog is the continuation of the previous blog post A General Way of Doing EDA. Please follow that before reading this blog. Once we got the knowledge of the data like its properties and features, we can move ahead by taking that knowledge to make some sort of inference. […]
Single Layer Perceptron From Scratch
This blog contains the introduction to perceptron using Python. Artificial Neuron Network The term "neural network" refers to an artificial neural network (ANN) (NN), which is a computational paradigm inspired by the way the human brain or nervous system performs computation. Perception, pattern recognition, motor control, and other computations are all performed by the brain, […]
Tweet Scraping with Tweepy
Tweet Scraping can be done with different ways but one of the reliable ones is using Tweepy and Tweeter’s developer API. In this blog we are going to explore how we can do Tweet Scraping using Twitter’s API and Tweepy. The API calls are handled by Tweepy and we only need to give it Keys. […]
Monte Carlo Simulations in R
Monte Carlo Simulations What is Monte Carlo Simulations? One of the main motivations to switch from spreadsheet-type tools (such as Microsoft Excel) to a program like R is for simulation modeling. R allows us to repeat the same (potentially complex and detailed) calculations with different random values over and over again. Within the same software, […]