This blog contains the introduction to perceptron using Python.
Artificial Neuron Network
The term "neural network" refers to an artificial neural network (ANN) (NN), which is a computational paradigm inspired by the way the human brain or nervous system performs computation. Perception, pattern recognition, motor control, and other computations are all performed by the brain, which is a highly complex, non-linear, and parallel computational machine. The basic structural unit of the brain is the neuron or nerve cell. The basic structure of a neural network looks like the following, containing a number of input layers, hidden layers, and an output layer. The output produced depends on the activation function used.
Humans can complete work far faster than today's fastest digital machines, and this is made possible by the parallel computation of neurons that are linked together.
Biological Neuron Network
The figure below shows the basic structure of a biological neuron network. A human neuron consists of a cell body for signal processing, many dendrites to receive signals, an axon for outputting the result, and synapses between the axon and dendrites of other cells.
Modes of Neuron
Basically, models of neurons can be divided into two parts:
- Deterministic model of Neuron
- Stochastic model of Neuron
Deterministic Model of Neuron
Three basic elements of this neural model are:
Synapses or connecting links: These are the connecting links used to link the inputs of the neuron network. Each link is characterized by a weight that defines the strength of the link.
Adder: The adder is responsible for finding the weighted sum of inputs to the neuron.
Activation Function: The activation function is responsible for determining the output of the neuron. It is also referred to as the squashing function.
Stochastic Model of Neuron
For all inputs, the deterministic neural model precisely describes input–output behavior. However, the stochastic neuron model causes non-deterministic input-output behavior. The activation function utilized in deterministic neural models is given a probabilistic interpretation in stochastic neural models.
In the stochastic neural model, a neuron is only allowed to be in one of two states: +1 (ON) or -1 (OFF). A neuron's decision to fire is probabilistic. Let x denote the neuron's state, and P(v) denote the probability of firing, where v is the neuron's activation potential.
$$ P(v) = \frac{1}{1 + e ^\frac{-v}{T}} $$
This makes the input-output behavior stochastic by adding uncertainty to neuron firing. Everything else in the stochastic neuron model remains the same as it is in the deterministic model.
Activation Function
The activation function, also known as the hard limiter function, is responsible for converting the input of an ANN into an output. The activation function performs a nonlinear transformation of the input signal. The output is then processed and serves as input to the next layer of neurons.
There are different types of activation functions, and some of them are listed below:
- Threshold
- Linear
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
Structures of Neural Network
The structure of neurons in a neural network is referred to as neural network architecture. In general, there are three types of neural network topologies or structures:
Single Layer Feedforward Neural Network
Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network
Recurrent Neural Network
In this blog, I am going to describe how a single-layer neural network works and how to implement it from scratch.
Single Layer Feed Forward Neuron Network
It's the most basic type of network architecture. In this architecture, we have an input layer of source nodes that is directly connected to an output layer of neurons (computation nodes), but not the other way around.
Learning In Neuron Network
The ability of artificial neural networks to learn is one of their most striking capabilities. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) learn by altering the network's weighted connections between neurons. The following are the learning rules for neural networks:
Hebbian Learning Rule
Perceptron Learning Rule
Backpropagation Learning etc.
Hebbian Learning Rule
The rule is based on the idea that if two neighboring neurons activate and deactivate at the same time, their connection weights should increase. Conversely, the weight difference between neurons operating in opposite phases should decrease. If there is no signal connection, the weight should remain unchanged. This assumption can be described using the following formula.
delta wij = alpha xi * yi
where $ w_{ij} $ is weight form neuron i to neuron j,
$\alpha$ is learning rate,
$x_i$ is input,
$y_i$ is output
Hebbian Learing Algorithm
Initialize all weights and bias to zero
For each training vector s and target t perform steps 3 to 6
Set $ s_i = x_i $ for i = 1 to n
Set y = t
Adapt weight as wi = wi + alpha xi y
Adapt bias as b + alpha * y
Test for stopping condition
Hebbian Learing Algorithm from scratch
Import module numpy which is used for mathematical calculations.
import numpy as np
Initially, initialize the bias and learning rate to zero. Define the function hebb_train()
to train the Hebbian learning algorithm. Now, run a for loop from 0 to the size of observations, where dw
and db
represent the updating factors for weight and bias, respectively.
def hebb_train(x,y,w):
for i in range(0,len(x)):
global b
print("After Interation ",i+1," :Weights")
return w
In the code block below, we define the function hebb_predict()
which helps make predictions for the Hebbian learning model. z
computes the product of input vectors and weights. We then apply the sum of these products to the hard limiter activation function and return the output as y
def hebb_predict(x,w):
return y
The following block of code is for the activation function. In this example, we are using the threshold function as the activation function. If the values are greater than a certain threshold value, we assign class 1; otherwise, we set it to class 0.
def f(x):
return 1
return 0
In the code shell below we build four observation having two columns and train y as only column vectors which is result of AND gate. We again take testx is same as trainx. Initially we initialize weight zero. Then we called respective function which we define previously as per our requirement
for i in range(1,5):
print("Final Weights:")
for x in testx:
Epoch# 1
After Interation 1 :Weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
After Interation 2 :Weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
After Interation 3 :Weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
After Interation 4 :Weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
Epoch# 2
After Interation 1 :Weights
[2 2]
Bias: 2
After Interation 2 :Weights
[2 2]
Bias: 2
After Interation 3 :Weights
[2 2]
Bias: 2
After Interation 4 :Weights
[2 2]
Bias: 2
Epoch# 3
After Interation 1 :Weights
[3 3]
Bias: 3
After Interation 2 :Weights
[3 3]
Bias: 3
After Interation 3 :Weights
[3 3]
Bias: 3
After Interation 4 :Weights
[3 3]
Bias: 3
Epoch# 4
After Interation 1 :Weights
[4 4]
Bias: 4
After Interation 2 :Weights
[4 4]
Bias: 4
After Interation 3 :Weights
[4 4]
Bias: 4
After Interation 4 :Weights
[4 4]
Bias: 4
Final Weights:
[4 4]
Input: [1 1]
Output: 1
Input: [1 0]
Output: 0
Input: [0 1]
Output: 0
Input: [0 0]
Output: 0
Single Layer FeedForward Using perceptron
The perceptron is the most basic type of neural network for identifying patterns that are linearly separable. Linearly separable patterns are those that can be divided by a hyperplane. Essentially, a perceptron consists of a single neuron with adjustable synaptic weights and bias.
The pattern classification capability of a perceptron, based on a single neuron, is limited to only two classes. Classification with more than two classes can be achieved by increasing the output layer of the perceptron to include more than one neuron. For the perceptron to perform properly, the classes must be linearly separable.
The hard limiter input of perceptron is,
$ v = \sum(w_ix_i + b)$
Because AND and OR functions are linearly separable, a perceptron can be trained to demonstrate behavior of both. However, because the XOR function is not linearly separable, perceptrons cannot be trained to learn its behavior.
Error correction rule for perceptron : $$ v = \sum w_i y_i $$
Now, we can write weight update rule for nth step as below,
Case I : For correct classification
$$ w^T(n) x(n) > 0$$ and $$ x(n) \in c_1$$ then $$ w(n+1) = w(n) $$
$$ w^T(n) x(n) <= 0$$ and $$ x(n) \in c_2$$ then $$ w(n+1) = w(n) $$
Case II: Misclassification
$$ w^T(n) x(n) > 0$$ and $$ x(n) \in c_2$$ then $$ w(n+1) = w(n)-\alpha x(n) $$
$$ w^T(n) x(n) <= 0$$ and $$ x(n) \in c_1$$ then $$ w(n+1) = w(n)+\alpha x(n) $$
Thus, we can represent weight change rule using single equation as below
$$ w(n + 1) = w(n) + \alpha x(n)(t(n) - y(n)) $$ where y(n) is actual output and t(n) is target output.
Perceptron Learing Algorithm
Initialize all weights and bias to zero
For each training vector s and target t perform steps 3 to 6
Set $$x_i = s_i$$ for i = 1 to n
Compute output using Hard limiter activation function as below,
$$ y{in} = b + \sum{n=1}^{10}(w_i x_i)$$ -
Adapt weights as: $$ w_i = w_i + \alpha(t - y)x_i$$
Adapt weights as: $$ b_i = b_i + \alpha(t-y) $$
Test for stopping condition.
Perceptron Learning from scratch
import numpy as np
b = 0
alpha = 1
def percept_train(x,y,w):
for i in range(0,len(x)):
global b
yact = per_predict(x[i],w,b)
d = y[i] - yact
dw = alpha*x[i]*d
db = alpha *d
w = np.add(w, dw)
b = np.add(b, db)
print("After Iteration", i +1,":weights")
return w
def per_predict(x,w,b):
z = x * w
tx = b + sum(z)
#tx = sum(z)
y = f(tx)
return y
def f(x):
return 1
elif (x <0):
return -1
return 0
for i in range(1,5):
print("Final Weights:")
for x in testx:
Epoch# 1
After Iteration 1 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: -1
After Iteration 2 :weights
[ 1 -3]
Bias: 1
After Iteration 3 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: 3
After Iteration 4 :weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
Epoch# 2
After Iteration 1 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: -1
After Iteration 2 :weights
[ 1 -3]
Bias: 1
After Iteration 3 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: 3
After Iteration 4 :weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
Epoch# 3
After Iteration 1 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: -1
After Iteration 2 :weights
[ 1 -3]
Bias: 1
After Iteration 3 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: 3
After Iteration 4 :weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
Epoch# 4
After Iteration 1 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: -1
After Iteration 2 :weights
[ 1 -3]
Bias: 1
After Iteration 3 :weights
[-1 -1]
Bias: 3
After Iteration 4 :weights
[1 1]
Bias: 1
Final Weights:
[1 1]
Input: [1 1]
Output: 1
Input: [ 1 -1]
Output: 1
Input: [-1 1]
Output: 1
Input: [-1 -1]
Output: -1
For more contents about Neural Network, please visit our other posts.