Introduction Visualize Nepal Stock Exchange Data and Deploy it On Heroku Using Streamlit and Plotly. If you are from Nepal then you already know what Nepal Stock Exchange means. Honestly I don’t know how to describe stock market but after watching movie Pi, I wanted to take a look at NEPSE data by myself. I […]
Year: 2020
If x is a subset of Y then, is inverse of x also a subset of Y?
Let $ f : X \rightarrow Y $ be a function. If B is subset of y then its inverse image $ f^-B $ is the subset of x define by $ f^-B = {x : f(x) \in B} $ Now prove the following. $ i. B_1 \subset B_2 \Rightarrow f^-B_1 \subset f^- B_1 $ […]
If x belongs to the domain then does f(x) belong to the range?
Let $ F : x \Rightarrow y $ be a function. Then prove that $i. A_1 \subset A_2 \Rightarrow F(A_1) \subset F(A_2)$ $ii. F(\cup_i A_i) = \cup_i F(A_i) $ $iii.F(\cap_i A_i) \subset \cap_i f(A_i)$ Solution $ Let \ f: x \rightarrow y $ be a function. i. $Let\ y \in f(A_1)$ $Then\ \exists x \in […]
Is the empty set a subspace of every vector space? Justify
Question: a. Is the empty set a subspace of every vector space ? Justify and let s = ${(a, b, (a + b):a, b \in R)}$ . Is a subspace of $R^3$ under the usual operation. Question: b. Let I = (-a , a) a > 0 be an open interval in R let v […]
Corn Leaf Infection Detection: Data Preprocessing and Custom Datagenerator
Corn Leaf Infection Detection: Data Pre-processing and Custom Datagenerator Introduction Here on this blog, I will be giving a gentle introduction about how to do Region Based Detection project on python from scratch. The scratch means from image capturing to the model release. We have seen lots of computer vision progress but most of them […]
Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Deploy on Heroku
Deploying Face Mask Classifer: Using Streamlit and Heroku This is a part 2 of a blogging series. Part 1: Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Building a Classifier Part 2: Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Deploy It This is hard times for everyone due to COVID-19. And even while dialing someone, now our Telicom […]
Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Train Classifier
This is a part 1 of a blogging series. Part 1: Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Building a Classifier Part 2: Deploying Face Mask Classifier on Heroku: Deploy It Deploying Face Mask Classifier: Train a Classifier Introduction So this is the first step of our Deploying Face Mask Classifier. Before there is any ML […]
OCR For Devanagari Handwritten Character: Segmentation, Localization using NumPy
A localization, segmentation and the first version of OCR using NumPy. This is a part 2 of a blogging series. Part 1: OCR for DHC: Building a Classifier Part 2: OCR for DHC: Segmentation, Localization and First Version Introduction This is the part where most of my efforts were used. Image Segmentation using NumPy sounds […]
OCR For Devanagari Handwritten Character: Building a Classifier
A Devanagari Handwritten Characters Classifier using CNN on Keras. This is a part 1 of a blogging series. Part 1: OCR for DHC: Building a Classifier Part 2: OCR for DHC: Segmentation, Localization and First Version Introduction This has been more than a year I did this project and I have already written a blog […]
Getting Started with GitHub Pages
Ever thought about starting a blogging platform within few minutes? Well , GitHub pages are easy, fast and free for making a static sites.