Social Network Analysis
Social networks are simply networks of social interactions and personal
relationships. Think about our group of friends and how we got to know
them. Maybe we met them while ago from our schooling, or maybe we met
them through a hobby or through our community. In fact, 72% of all
Internet users are active on social media today, including in social
interactions and developing personal relationships. However, to
understand about social networks, we only don’t need to go through
internet or social media, they may come in variety of form in our daily
Social Network Analysis
Social network analysis (SNA), also known as network science, is a field
of data analytics that uses networks and graph theory to understand
social structures. We can see network around us such as road network,
online network, network of social media such as facebook, twitter etc.
Learning SNA allow us to explore insight of various data sources.
SNA Graph
We all are familier about the graph which simply the collection of non
zero vertex and edge. In order to build SNA graphs, two key components
are required actors and relationships. Here, actors represents the vertex
and relationship means the edge between two actors. Let us write SNA
graph in R code. To do this, we should have igraph
already install in our R or R studio.
## Attaching package: 'igraph'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## decompose, spectrum
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## union
g <- graph(c(1,2))
In figure, we can see the directed graph from node 1 to node 2. From above
graph, it is also clear that by default it gives directed graph. In
above figure we can not clearly see node and edge so let’s increase its
size and give different color to the node.
vertex.color = 'green',
vertex.size = 40,
edge.color ='red',
edge.size = 20)
Now we change the node color and node font size. Add more node on graph for
this we follow the following code.
g <- graph(c(1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1))
vertex.color = 'green',
vertex.size =40,
edge.color = 'red',
edge.size = 20)
We got the graph with four vertex 1,2,3,4. Here, we also got directed graph.
Let’s make it for this we need to write directed is false.
g <- graph(c(1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1),directed = FALSE)
vertex.color = 'green',
vertex.size =40,
edge.color = 'red',
edge.size = 20)
We got our desirable type of graph. Now let’s move forward. We can give the
number of vertex with out writing them for this look following code.
g <- graph(c(1,2,2,3,3,4,4,1),
directed = F, n=7)
vertex.color = 'green',
vertex.size =40,
edge.color = 'red',
edge.size = 20)
In above graph we have given seven vertex numbers. Among them we can see three isolated
nodes. The reason to come isolated node is that we did not specify the
edge or relationship between them. Also from graph we can make sense
that this is not directed graph.
Adjacency Matrix
Let's see what will happen if we type only g[]
## 7 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## [1,] . 1 . 1 . . .
## [2,] 1 . 1 . . . .
## [3,] . 1 . 1 . . .
## [4,] 1 . 1 . . . .
## [5,] . . . . . . .
## [6,] . . . . . . .
## [7,] . . . . . . .
This gives us the 7 by 7 adjacency matrix. Adjacency matrix is matrix
where we give 1 if there is edge between two vertex if not then we
give 0. But in above matrix it gave simply .
instead of zero.
Let us try to build our graph by keeping text data in place of number.
g1 <-
,"Rita","Binu","Binu","Rita", "Anju",
vertex.color = "green",
vertex.size = 40,
edge.color = "red",
edge.size = 5)
If we want to check the features of g1
we simply type g1
and press control and
enter key. We got following output.
## IGRAPH d030509 DN-- 4 5 --
## + attr: name (v/c)
## + edges from d030509 (vertex names):
## [1] Binu ->Binita Binita->Rita Rita ->Binu Binu ->Rita Anju ->Binita
It showed that in graph there are 4 nodes 5 edges. And edges are directed
Binu ->Binita, Binita->Rita, Rita ->Binu, Binu ->Rita, Anju ->Binita
Degree means numbers of connection to each node.
Let’s check the degree of graph g1
. To check degree we can do
or degree(g1, mode='all')
## Binu Binita Rita Anju
## 3 3 3 1
Degree of Binu is 3 similarly Anju has degree 1.
degree(g1, mode='all')
## Binu Binita Rita Anju
## 3 3 3 1
Diameter means number of edged inside and outside
of SND. Now, let’s check the diameter of graph.
diameter(g1, directed = F, weights =
## [1] 2
We got two diameter. i.e Anju <- Binita <- Rita
, Anju <- Binita <- Binu
Edge density
Edge density means ecount(g1)/(vcount(g1)*(vcount(g1) -1))
. We can
calculate it from following code.
edge_density(g1, loops = F)
## [1] 0.4166667
We got the value of edge density 0.4166667.
Total edges = 5
Tied edges = 2
Reciprocity = 2/5 = 0.4
## [1] 0.4
Now getting closeness of graph.
closeness(g1, mode = "all", weights = NA)
## Binu Binita Rita Anju
## 0.2500000 0.3333333 0.2500000 0.2000000
From above result we can see that Binita is closest to the others three
persons and Anju is farthest from other three persons.
Let’s calculate between of g1
betweenness(g1, directed = T, weights = NA)
## Binu Binita Rita Anju
## 1 2 2 0
Binita and Rita has 2 inner edge similarly Binu has one inner edge and
Anju has no inner edge.
Edge Betweenness
For every pair of vertices in a connected graph, there exists at least
one shortest path between the vertices.
edge_betweenness(g1, directed = T, weights = NA)
## [1] 2 4 4 1 3
SNA in TwitterData
Here I have loadedTwitterdata
from my local machine.
load("F:/MDS R/termDocMatrix.rdata")
m<- as.matrix(termDocMatrix)
termM <- m %*% t(m)
## Terms
## Terms analysis applications code computing data examples introduction
## analysis 23 0 1 0 4 4 2
## applications 0 9 0 0 8 0 0
## code 1 0 9 0 1 6 0
## computing 0 0 0 10 2 0 0
## data 4 8 1 2 85 5 3
## examples 4 0 6 0 5 17 2
## introduction 2 0 0 0 3 2 10
## mining 4 7 3 1 50 5 3
## network 12 0 1 0 0 2 2
## package 2 1 0 2 12 2 0
## Terms
## Terms mining network package
## analysis 4 12 2
## applications 7 0 1
## code 3 1 0
## computing 1 0 2
## data 50 0 12
## examples 5 2 2
## introduction 3 2 0
## mining 64 1 6
## network 1 17 1
## package 6 1 27
Now we have built a term-term adjacency matrix, where the rows and
columns represents terms, and every entry is the number of
co-occurrences of two terms. Next we can build a graph with
from package igraph.
g <- graph.adjacency(termM,weighted = T,mode = 'undirected')
## IGRAPH d066e18 UNW- 21 151 --
## + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
## + edges from d066e18 (vertex names):
## [1] analysis --analysis analysis --code
## [3] analysis --data analysis --examples
## [5] analysis --introduction analysis --mining
## [7] analysis --network analysis --package
## [9] analysis --positions analysis --postdoctoral
## [11] analysis --r analysis --research
## [13] analysis --series analysis --slides
## [15] analysis --social analysis --time
## + ... omitted several edges
Here we have built graph on termDocMatrix
. In result we can see the edges
between different dodes.
g <- simplify(g)
## IGRAPH d06a87e UNW- 21 130 --
## + attr: name (v/c), weight (e/n)
## + edges from d06a87e (vertex names):
## [1] analysis --code analysis --data
## [3] analysis --examples analysis --introduction
## [5] analysis --mining analysis --network
## [7] analysis --package analysis --positions
## [9] analysis --postdoctoral analysis --r
## [11] analysis --research analysis --series
## [13] analysis --slides analysis --social
## [15] analysis --time analysis --tutorial
## + ... omitted several edges
Function simplify()
in igraph handly removes self-loops from a network.
We can see in previous graph there are 151 edges in second graph there
are only 130 edges. Hence there are 21 self loops they are omitted from
the graph.
Check Degree of graph and nodes of the graph.
V(g)$label <- V(g)$name
## [1] "analysis" "applications" "code" "computing" "data"
## [6] "examples" "introduction" "mining" "network" "package"
## [11] "parallel" "positions" "postdoctoral" "r" "research"
## [16] "series" "slides" "social" "time" "tutorial"
## [21] "users"
V(g)$degree <- degree(g)
## [1] 17 6 9 9 18 14 12 20 14 13 8 7 8 17 9 11 15 11 11 16 15
We found degree of graph is 20.
Histogram on the basis of degree
hist(V(g)$degree, breaks = 100,col = 'green', main = "Frequency Of Degree",
xlab = " Degree of vertices", ylab = " Frequency")
We can see most of nodes have degree 9 and 11. We all khow what is degree of
graph, number of edges that are incident to the node is called degree of
Let’s Plot Graph on the Data.
Let's set set.seed(3952)
. Where set.seed gives same sample with the same seed value.
layout1 <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(g)
plot(g, layout=layout1)
A different layout can be generated with the first line of code below. The
second line produces an interactive plot, which allows us to manually
rearrange the layout
plot(g, layout=layout.kamada.kawai)
Make it better.
V(g)$label.cex <- 2.2 * V(g)$degree / max(V(g)$degree)+ .2
V(g)$label.color <- rgb(0, 0, .2, .8)
V(g)$frame.color <- NA
egam <- (log(E(g)$weight)+.4) / max(log(E(g)$weight)+.4)
E(g)$color <- rgb(.5, .5, 0, egam)
E(g)$width <- egam
# plot the graph in layout1
plot(g, layout=layout1)
Here size of words appear according to their degree. From graph we can
clearly see that node mining has maximum degree.
Community detection
Communities are seen as groups, clusters, coherent subgroups, or modules
in different fields; community detection in a social network is
identifying sets of nodes in such a way that the connections of nodes
within a set are more than their connection to other network nodes.
comm <- cluster_edge_betweenness(g)
## Warning in cluster_edge_betweenness(g): At community.c:461 :Membership vector
## will be selected based on the lowest modularity score.
## Warning in cluster_edge_betweenness(g): At community.c:468 :Modularity
## calculation with weighted edge betweenness community detection might not make
## sense -- modularity treats edge weights as similarities while edge betwenness
## treats them as distances
There are dense connection within the group within the community the
connection is sparse.
prop <- cluster_label_prop(g)
plot(prop, g)
This is different type of algorithms to detect community which is different
from previous one.
Nodes with most outer edges. We need to find hub score.
hs <- hub_score(g,weights = NA)$vector
## analysis applications code computing data examples
## 0.9047777 0.3589289 0.5606314 0.5223206 0.9065063 0.8195307
## introduction mining network package parallel positions
## 0.7307838 1.0000000 0.7483791 0.7210610 0.4939614 0.3733995
## postdoctoral r research series slides social
## 0.4095660 0.9147530 0.4481802 0.6761093 0.8510808 0.6018664
## time tutorial users
## 0.6761093 0.8899001 0.8342594
Nodes with most inner edges. We need to find authority score
as <- authority_score(g, weights = NA)$vector
## analysis applications code computing data examples
## 0.9047777 0.3589289 0.5606314 0.5223206 0.9065063 0.8195307
## introduction mining network package parallel positions
## 0.7307838 1.0000000 0.7483791 0.7210610 0.4939614 0.3733995
## postdoctoral r research series slides social
## 0.4095660 0.9147530 0.4481802 0.6761093 0.8510808 0.6018664
## time tutorial users
## 0.6761093 0.8899001 0.8342594
Hub in Plot
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(g,vertex.size= hs*50, main = "Hubs",
vertex.label = NA,
vertex.colour = rainbow(50))
Authority in Plot
plot(g,vertex.size= as*30, main = "Authorities",
vertex.label = NA,
vertex.colour = rainbow(50))
Hub are expected to contain large number of outgoing link. And authority are
expected to contain large number of incoming link from hubs.
Application of SNA in Real World
Social network analysis can provide information about the reach of
gangs, the impact of gangs, and gang activity. The approach may also
allow we to identify those who may be at risk of gang-association and/or
being exploited by gangs.