Air Mouse: Doing Mouse Operations Using Finger Gestures Hey surfer, in this blog, I am going to write about how can we do basic mouse operations like move pointer, click, double click and right click using only finger gestures. This blog is the part of the series #7DaysOfComputerVisionProjects. Links to the blogs and videos of […]
Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Web App Using Flask
Introduction If I have to write about part, then this is the 5th part or 4th version of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. If you have read my previous blogs on this same topic then you probably know that how much have I progressed from the early version. Once my employer suggested me on interview […]
Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Add Slider, More Colors and Optimized Code
Gesture Based Visually Writing System is one where we try to write something on canvas by moving our fingers in the air. If I have to write about the part, then this is the 4th part or 4th version of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. If you have read my previous blogs on this same […]