Images in this NLP blog are borrowed from lecture note of Prof. Bal Krishna Bal. The end-to-end structure that orchestrates the flow of data into and output from a NLP model is known as a natural language processing pipeline (or set of multiple models). It covers the input of the raw data, the features, the […]
data pipelining
Airflow in WSL and Dynamic Tasks
This blog is a continuation of previous blog Getting Started With Airflow in WSL. Dynamic Tasks in Airflow Sometimes there will be a need to create different task for different purpose within a DAG and those task has to be run dynamically. Not only run but has to be created dynamically also. A simple example […]
Running Airflow In WSL and Getting Started With It
Airflow in WSL: Getting Started With I might stop to write new blogs in this site so please visit for more cool stuffs. Blog Versions This blog will be updated frequently. 2021-12-01 Written blog. 2021-12-05 Updated contents upto TaskFlowAPI. 2021-12-07 Updated contents upto SubDAGs. 2021-12-13 Updated contents upto TaskGroup. 2022-01-09 Started dynamic tasks in […]