News Classification with Simple Neural Network

News Classification with Simple Neural Network is one of the application of Deep Learning. And here in this part of the blog, I am going to perform a Nepali News Classification. Before jumping into the main part, I would love to share some of my previous contents based upon which this blog has been written. […]

Manipulation of Word Vectors

To manipulating vectors means to perform some arithmetics operation on these vectors. By performing some arithmetics on vectors resulting vectors or any value can represent very interesting fact or inside. This is very interesting inside that we perform some operation on the given data and result represent more interesting fact about the data. This blog […]

Stock Price Prediction On Commercial Data Using RNN

A type of neural network called a recurrent neural network (RNN) uses the output from a previous step as input for the current step. Traditional neural networks have inputs and outputs that are independent of one another, but there is a need to remember the previous words in situations where it is necessary to anticipate […]

Stock Price Prediction On Commercial Data Using GRU

GRU are a kind of Neural Networks which are designed to overcome some issues with RNN. There are two primary issues with recurrent neural networks Calculations of gradients either fail or explode. Gradient calculations are expensive Gradient clipping is a solution to the expanding gradient problem, and other topologies like the gated recurrent unit (GRU) […]

Stock Price Prediction On Commercial Data Using LSTM

LSTMS are a variety of RNNs but lets start with RNNs. RNNs are unable to remember long-term dependencies in time series data because of the vanishing gradient issue. An RNN version called LSTM was created to deal with this problem. Similar to RNN, LSTM features a hidden state that functions as short-term memory. Additionally, it […]

DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm

DBSCAN is an example of clustering algorithm. Clustering is the process of organizing a collection of concrete or abstract things into classes of related objects. A cluster is a group of data objects that are distinct from the objects in other clusters yet comparable to one another within the same cluster. There are various example […]

Basics of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Pipeline

Images in this NLP blog are borrowed from lecture note of Prof. Bal Krishna Bal. The end-to-end structure that orchestrates the flow of data into and output from a NLP model is known as a natural language processing pipeline (or set of multiple models). It covers the input of the raw data, the features, the […]

Approaches for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Several widely used NLP algorithms Images in this blog are borrowed from lecture note of Prof. Bal Krishna Bal. Not only are there many algorithms for machine learning tasks, but also for natural language processing job. The choice of which algorithm is best for a given problem cannot be made with absolute certainty. After determining […]

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