If I have to write about part, then this is the 5th part or 4th version of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. If you have read my previous blogs on this same topic then you probably know that how much have I progressed from the early version. Once my employer suggested me on interview that you must know how to make your code usable by non coder/public only then your skill can be useful. I am applying same concept. What he meant was I must learn how to deploy my system to non coder. I am not a pro here but I am writing this deployment code while learning so I am expecting feedback, suggestions from readers. On 4th version of system, I wrote a code that was more organized by the concept of OOP. Now I want this system to be deployed. It all starts with what if and if you tried to work on what if, you always will learn new things. On this version, I did wrote some Flask Code for deployment of this project on Web App. I will try to make it simple here as much as possible. For the better understanding of this project requires primary prerequisite to understand the concepts and algorithms used on this blog are to view my previous blogs. Because I am explaining little this time. Follow the Before Anything section for more information.
This is the part of Gesture Based Visually Writing System.
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System Using OpenCV and Python
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Visual User Interface
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Virtual Animationn, New Mode and New VUI
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Add Slider, More Colors and Optimized OOP code
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Building a Web App Using Flask
What Now?
- I will write a code using Flask to deploy previous system on Web App.
A simple work flow will be something like below.
I will write a class that will communicate with our existing system and then on every time returns the frames, canvas and detected text to routes.
Before Anything
Before anything, I am requesting you to view my previous blogs and only then return to this blog. Because the blogs below are the earlier version of the codes and concepts. I am still using same concepts and also you will be amazed to see how much I have progressed. I am only going to describe what is happening here on very little. Hence, if you are new to this project then it is best idea to view them. Please view them serially.
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System Using OpenCV and Python
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Visual User Interface
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Virtual Animationn, New Mode and New VUI
- Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Add Slider, More Colors and Optimized OOP code
And why do we fall Bruce?
So that we can learn to pick ourselves up. - Thomas Wyane
Contour Writing: Modifications
For running this system, I had to modify this system little bit. Only modification needed was on class ContourWriting
and I am including it below.
self.final_window = cv2.imread("static/taking_avg.png")
self.detected_text = "Nothing"
: A image that will tell user that average is being taken.detected_text
: What has been detected by passing on detector?
Final window looks like below:
Method: __del__
There are default constructor made along with object creation on Python and __del__
is a destructor called upon when all the references of an object is deleted.
def __del__(self):
When an object of our ContourWriting is deleted, we want to close our camera and destroy all opened windows of OpenCV (if any available).
Method: detector
def detector(self):
img = self.canvas.canvas.astype(np.uint8)
op = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang="eng", nice="1")
self.detected_text = op
Nothing strange happened here, only detected text is assigned to attribute.
Method: main
I had modified this method by some lines only. You can see the codes here too. To make our system run without any possible errors, I tried to wrap codes inside try/except block. Main focus must be given on the try/except block near bottom of the below code.
def main(self):
while True:
(ret, frame) =
if ret:
self.key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=self.size[1])
frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
clone = frame.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(clone, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
self.size = frame.shape
# if to take average and num frames on average taking is lesser than
if self.num_frames<self.avg_frames and self.take_average==True:
cv2.putText(clone, str(self.num_frames), (self.roi_boxes["mroi"][1], self.roi_boxes["mroi"][0]-5),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 1)
clone = self.find_contours(clone)
fmode = self.check_force_mode()
vui = self.vui.update_vui(pointer=self.roi_pointer["vroi"], cpointer=self.roi_pointer["droi"])
if self.vui.hover is not None:
self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode
if self.roi_counts["mroi"] is not None:
if self.roi_counts["vroi"] is not None:
if self.roi_counts["mroi"]-5 > self.roi_counts["vroi"] and fmode is not None:
self.running_mode = fmode
self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode
self.running_mode = fmode
canvas = self.canvas.update_window(mode=self.running_mode,
self.final_window = self.get_window(canvas=canvas, vui=vui)
self.roi_pointer["vroi"] = (-1, -1)
clone = self.make_rectangles(clone)
self.clone = clone
if self.key==27:
ret, clone_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.clone)
ret1, draw_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.final_window)
if ret:
self.clone = clone_jpeg.tobytes()
return clone_jpeg.tobytes(), draw_jpeg.tobytes(), self.detected_text
ret, clone_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.clone)
ret1, draw_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.final_window)
if ret:
self.clone = clone_jpeg.tobytes()
return clone_jpeg.tobytes(), draw_jpeg.tobytes(), self.detected_text
- Take clone image, where we have drawn rectangles, contours, pointer and texts. Encode it to JPEG.
- Take final window of VUI/Canvas and Encode it to JPEG.
- Convert both encoded images to bytes.
- Return the both byte images and detected text.
Initially, our final_window will be set to our image saying taking average. And when averages has been taken then we can send it to our flask routes. I have also set some attributes too. Entire codes inside
is given below.
Please try to ignore the comments and lengths of the code.
import numpy as np
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import imutils
import pytesseract
import time
class VUI:
A class for visual user interface. Recommended to use default parameters.
def __init__(self, icons_dir="icons/", window_size=(525, 700, 3), vui_part=20, max_count=15):
icons_dir: directory to use icons from.
window_size: size of an vui window. Recommended to use equal of final window.
vui_part: How much % of rows from top will be used to stack icons?
self.idir = icons_dir
self.window = np.zeros(window_size).astype(np.uint8)
self.size = window_size
self.vui_part = int(vui_part/100 * self.size[0])
self.dd_part = (self.vui_part, int(50/100 * self.size[0]))
self.modes = [fname.split(".")[0] for fname in os.listdir(self.idir)]
self.icon_size = (int(self.size[1]/len(self.modes)), self.vui_part) # c, r
self.current_icons = []
self.anim_scale = 0.5
self.anim_color = [5, 15, 2]
self.prev_mode = "move"
self.current_mode = "move"
self.running_mode = None
self.mode_count = 1
self.max_count = max_count
self.color_count = 1
self.max_color = 5
self.current_pointer = (100, 100)
self.canvas_pointer = None
self.draw_color = (0, 0, 255)
self.previous_color = (0, 0, 255)
self.current_color = (0, 0, 255)
self.pointer_color = (100, 200, 200)
self.point = (10, -3)
self.icons = self.prepare_icons()
def prepare_icons(self):
A method to prepare icons on initial frame.
Method sets 4 new attributes.
cols: List to store (y1, y2) of icon.
icon_position: Dictionary to store (y1, y2) as key and corresponding image as value
current_icons: A dictionary initialized with initial icons. Changed on every frame when cursor lies above it.
mode_pos: Mode as key and its icon's (y1, y2) as value.
icons = []
cols = np.linspace(0, self.size[1]-1, len(self.modes)+1).astype(np.int64)
cols = [(cols[i], cols[i+1]) for i in range(len(cols)-1)]
icon_pos = {}
mode_pos = {}
for i, image_name in enumerate(os.listdir(self.idir)):
img = cv2.imread(self.idir+image_name)
img = cv2.resize(img, (cols[i][1]-cols[i][0], self.vui_part))
icon_pos[cols[i]] = img
mode_pos[self.modes[i]] = cols[i]
self.cols = cols
self.icon_position = icon_pos
self.current_icons = icon_pos
self.mode_pos = mode_pos
def set_colors(self, col=None, new_colors=None):
A method to set colors when pointer lies above color icon.
Initially used subset of {Red, Green, Blue}
col:- column where current pointer lies.
new_colors:- If to use other colors.
Method returns list of available colors on dropdown menu.
Changes the draw color, pointer color upon condition meet.
# earlier pointer was clipped within the vui
pointer = self.canvas_pointer
pointer = (pointer[1], self.vui_part+ pointer[0])
if new_colors is None:
r = np.array([0, 0, 255])
g = np.array([0, 255, 0])
b = np.array([255, 0, 0])
colors = [r, g, b]
colors_new = [colors[i]+colors[i+1] for i in range(len(colors)-1)]
self.colors = colors
self.colors = new_colors
rows = np.linspace(self.dd_part[0], self.dd_part[1], len(self.colors)+1).astype(np.int64)
rows = [(rows[i], rows[i+1]) for i in range(len(rows)-1)]
self.color_pos = {}
for row, color in zip(rows, colors):
self.color_pos[row] = color
if row[0]<=pointer[1]<row[1] and col[0]<=pointer[0]<col[1]:
self.current_color = (color.tolist())
if self.current_color == self.previous_color:
self.color_count = 1
if self.color_count>=self.max_color:
self.pointer_color = (np.abs(np.array([200, 200, 100])-color).tolist())
self.current_window[row[0]:row[1], col[0]:col[1]] = color
return self.colors
def get_window(self):
A method to return a VUI window upon called. Sets pointer on VUI canvas.
self.current_window = np.zeros_like(self.window).astype(np.uint8)
for col, img in self.current_icons.items():
self.current_window[:self.vui_part, col[0]:col[1]] = img
if self.running_mode == "color":
if self.current_pointer is not None and self.current_pointer[0]>0:, (self.current_pointer[1], self.current_pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.pointer_color, self.point[1])
return self.current_window
def update_vui(self, pointer=(100, 100), cpointer=(10, 100)):
A method to update the entire VUI properties and state.
pointer: Current pointer on VUI part.
cpointer: Current pointer on Canvas.
cpointer is useful when working with color mode.
self.current_pointer = pointer
self.canvas_pointer = cpointer
#print(pointer, canvas_pointer)
current_icons = {}
if pointer[0]<=self.vui_part:
for col, mode in zip(self.cols, self.modes):
icon = self.icon_position[col].copy()
ishape = icon.shape
if col[0]<pointer[1]<=col[1]:
# pointer is above this icon now animate it.
self.current_mode = mode
zeros_icon = np.zeros_like(icon).astype(np.uint8)
f = self.anim_scale*self.mode_count
r = int(ishape[0] * f)
c = int(ishape[1] * f)
icon = cv2.resize(icon, (c, r))
if f > 1:
rd = int((r - ishape[0])/2)
cd = int((c - ishape[1])/2)
zeros_icon[:, :] = icon[rd:ishape[0]+rd, cd:ishape[1]+cd]
rd = int((ishape[0] - r)/2)
cd = int((ishape[1] - c)/2)
rdd, cdd = 0, 0
if ishape[0]-rd-rd > r:
if ishape[1]-cd-cd > c:
#print(icon.shape, ishape, rd, abs(r-rd), cd, abs(c-cd))
zeros_icon[rd:ishape[0]-rd-rdd, cd:ishape[1]-cd-cdd] = icon[::]
current_icons[col] = zeros_icon.astype(np.uint8) + np.uint8(np.array(self.anim_color)*self.mode_count)
if self.prev_mode == self.current_mode:
self.mode_count += 1
self.prev_mode = self.current_mode
self.mode_count = 1
if self.mode_count >= self.max_count:
self.running_mode = self.current_mode
self.mode_count = 1
self.hover = True
current_icons[col] = icon
self.current_icons = current_icons
self.mode_count = 1
return self.get_window()
# vui = VUI()
# #show(vui.window)
# vui.update_vui()
# vui.update_vui()
# vui.update_vui(pointer=(200, 100))
# vui.update_vui(pointer=(200, 100))
class Canvas:
def __init__(self, window_size=(525, 700, 3), draw_color=(100, 100, 100),
pointer_color=(0, 0, 0), bg_color=(25, 25, 25), mode="move",
point=(10, -3), vui=None, ssize=(300, 50, 3)):
A method to initialize canvas.
window_size: size of a canvas window.
draw_color: drawing color in RGB.
pointer_color: pointer color in RGB.
bg_color: background color in RGB.
mode: running mode.
point: tuple of (pointer radius, thickness)
vui: VUI object.
ssize: Slider's size.
self.pointer_color = pointer_color
self.bg_color = bg_color
self.window = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=np.uint8)
self.canvas= self.window.copy()+bg_color
self.mode = mode
self.pointer = None
self.point = point
self.current_window = self.window+self.canvas
self.vui = vui
self.ssize = ssize
self.sregion = ()
def slider(self, size=(300, 30, 3), spoint=50, scolor=(100, 55, 100)):
A method to change the pointer size by moving a slider.
size: size of slider region.
spoint: slider point, generally row position of pointer.
scolor: slider color
#swidth = np.clip(swidth, 5, spoint)
swindow[:self.ssize[0], 0:self.ssize[1]] += np.uint8([255, 255, 255])
r1 = np.clip(spoint-swidth, swidth, self.ssize[0]-swidth)
r2 = np.clip(spoint+swidth, swidth, self.ssize[0]-swidth)
spoint = int(10/50 * spoint)
#print(r1, r2, spoint)
swindow[r1:r2, :self.ssize[1]] = scolor
self.point=(spoint, self.point[1])
#cv2.imshow("slider", swindow.astype(np.uint8))
return swindow.astype(np.uint8)
def clear(self):
self.window = np.zeros(self.size, dtype=np.uint8)
self.canvas= self.window.copy()+self.bg_color
def update_window(self, mode, pointer=(400, 100)):
mode: running mode
pointer: where is pointer now?
self.mode = mode
self.pointer = pointer
self.pointer_color = self.vui.pointer_color
#self.pointer = (np.clip(self.vui.vui_part, pointer[0], self.size[0]), pointer[1])
#print("c", self.draw_color)
swindow = np.zeros(self.size).astype(np.uint8)
if 0<pointer[0]<self.ssize[0] and 0<pointer[1]<self.ssize[1]:
self.mode = "move"
#self.pointer = (pointer[0], pointer[1]+self.ssize[1])
#self.pointer_color = self.bg_color
if self.mode == "draw":, (self.pointer[1], self.pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.draw_color, self.point[1])
self.current_window = self.window+self.canvas+swindow, (self.pointer[1], self.pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.pointer_color, self.point[1])
elif self.mode == "erase":, (self.pointer[1], self.pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.bg_color, self.point[1])
self.current_window = self.window+self.canvas+swindow, (self.pointer[1], self.pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.pointer_color, self.point[1])
self.current_window = self.window+self.canvas+swindow, (self.pointer[1], self.pointer[0]), self.point[0], self.pointer_color, self.point[1])
return self.current_window
class ContourWriting:
A class to bind all other classes uses.
def __init__(self, count_mode=10, avg_frames=100,
rois={"droi":[200, 400, 430, 681],
"mroi":[80, 10, 150, 225],
"vroi":[100, 400, 200, 681]},
icons_dir="icons/", aweight=0.5):
rois: types of ROIS(draw, move, vui)
self.aweight = aweight
self.roi_boxes = rois
self.roi_averages = {key:None for key in rois.keys()}
self.roi_grays = {key:None for key in rois.keys()}
self.roi_masks = {key:None for key in rois.keys()}
self.roi_pointer = {key:None for key in rois.keys()}
self.roi_counts = {key:None for key in rois.keys()}
self.size = (525, 700)
self.vui = VUI()
self.canvas_shape = (self.size[0]-self.vui.vui_part, self.size[1], 3)
self.canvas = Canvas(window_size=self.canvas_shape, vui=self.vui, bg_color=[255, 255, 255])
self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode
self.fprev_mode = "move"
self.check_force_mode() = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
self.clone = None
self.vui_frame = None
self.num_frames = 0
self.final_window = cv2.imread("static/taking_avg.png")
self.detected_text = "Nothing"
def __del__(self):
def set_pointer(self):
for rname, pointer in self.roi_pointer.items():
top, right, bottom, left = self.roi_boxes[rname]
self.roi_pointer[rname] = (int((left+right)/2), int((top+bottom)/2))
def running_average(self):
for rname, roi in self.roi_averages.items():
gimg = self.roi_grays[rname]
if roi is None:
roi = gimg.copy().astype("float")
cv2.accumulateWeighted(gimg, roi, self.aweight)
self.roi_averages[rname] = roi
def set_grays(self, gray_frame):
for rname, box in self.roi_boxes.items():
top, right, bottom, left = box
gray_roi = gray_frame[top:bottom, right:left]
#gray_roi = cv2.bilateralFilter(gray_roi, 9, 15, 15)
gray_roi=cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_roi, (7, 7), 0)
self.roi_grays[rname] = gray_roi
def make_rectangles(self, clone):
cv2.putText(clone, f"Curr. Mode: {self.running_mode}", (self.roi_boxes["vroi"][1], self.roi_boxes["vroi"][0]-20),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
# make rectangle for everything, add text on middle of it
for rname, box in self.roi_boxes.items():
top, right, bottom, left = box
mid = int((top+bottom)/2), int((left+right)/2)
if rname == "droi":
cv2.rectangle(clone, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.putText(clone, rname, (mid[1], mid[0]),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 2)
if rname == "mroi":
cv2.rectangle(clone, (left, top), (int((left + right)/3), bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.rectangle(clone, (int((left + right)/3), top), (2*int((left + right)/3), bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.rectangle(clone, (2*int((left + right)/3), top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.putText(clone, str("Mv"), (int((right)/1), int((top+bottom)/2)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
cv2.putText(clone, str("Dr"), (int((left + right)/3), int((top+bottom)/2)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
cv2.putText(clone, str("Er"), (2*int((left + right)/3), int((top+bottom)/2)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
if rname == "vroi":
gb_indices = int((left-right)/len(self.vui.modes))
gb_indices = np.arange(right, left, gb_indices)
gb_indices[-1] = gb_indices[-1]+1
for i in range(len(gb_indices)-1):
_gleft = gb_indices[i]
_gright = gb_indices[i+1]
cv2.rectangle(clone, (_gleft, top), (_gright, bottom), (255, 0, 255), 3)
cv2.putText(clone, self.vui.modes[i][:2], (_gleft+2, int((top+bottom)/2)),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (255, 0, 255), 2)
return clone
def find_contours(self, clone, threshold=10):
self.roi_counts = {key:None for key in self.roi_counts.keys()}
for rname, ravg in self.roi_averages.items():
# abs diff betn img and bg
top, right, bottom, left = self.roi_boxes[rname]
diff = cv2.absdiff(ravg.astype("uint8"), self.roi_grays[rname])
_, th = cv2.threshold(diff, threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
(cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(th.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
m = (-1, -1)
if len(cnts)!=0:
max_cnt = max(cnts, key=cv2.contourArea)
cv2.drawContours(clone, [max_cnt+(right,top)], -1, (0, 0, 255))
sshape = max_cnt.shape
new_segmented = max_cnt.reshape(sshape[0], sshape[-1])
m = new_segmented.min(axis=0), (right+m[0], top+m[1]), 15, self.vui.pointer_color, -3)
self.roi_counts[rname] = len(max_cnt)
# translate m of this roi to window shape
#if len(max_cnt)>10:
if rname!="mroi":
pshape = self.size
if rname=="vroi":
pshape = (self.vui.vui_part, self.vui.size[1])
if rname=="droi":
# make it self.canvas.shape
#pshape = (self.canvas_shape[0], self.canvas_shape[1]-self.canvas.ssize[1])
h = bottom - top
l = left - right
m = (int((m[0]/l)*pshape[1]), int((m[1]/h)*pshape[0]))
m = (right+m[0], top+m[1])
# pass
#if rname=="droi":
# m = (m[0]+self.canvas.ssize[1], m[1])
self.roi_pointer[rname]=(m[1], m[0])
return clone
def get_window(self, canvas, vui):
final_window = vui.copy()
canvas_cpy = canvas.copy()
vshape = vui.shape
cshape = canvas.shape
if self.running_mode == "color":
# get part where color lies and make those part of canvas_bg black
cp = self.vui.mode_pos[self.running_mode]
canvas[:self.vui.dd_part[1]-self.vui.vui_part, cp[0]:cp[1]] = vui[self.vui.vui_part:self.vui.dd_part[1], cp[0]:cp[1]]
final_window[self.vui.vui_part:, :] = canvas
cp = self.roi_pointer["droi"]
cp = (cp[1], cp[0]+self.vui.vui_part)
point = self.canvas.point, cp, point[0], self.canvas.pointer_color, point[1])
return final_window
def check_force_mode(self):
top, right, bottom, left = self.roi_boxes["mroi"]
if self.force_modes is None:
x=np.linspace(right, left, 4).astype(np.int64)
x=[(x[i],x[i+1]) for i in range(len(x)-1)]
force_modes = ["move", "draw", "erase"]
force_modes = {x[i]:force_modes[i] for i in range(len(x))}
self.force_modes = force_modes
elif self.roi_pointer["mroi"][0]>0:
mpointer = self.roi_pointer["mroi"]
for col, mode in self.force_modes.items():
if col[0]<=mpointer[1]<col[1]:
#print(col, mpointer)
if self.fprev_mode==mode:
if self.fcurrent_count>=self.fcount_mode:
#print("f ", mode)
return mode
def detector(self):
img = self.canvas.canvas.astype(np.uint8)
op = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang="eng", nice="1")
self.detected_text = op
#print("Detected: ", op)
def perform_mode(self):
if self.running_mode=="clear":
if self.running_mode=="restart":
self.take_average =True
if self.running_mode=="save":
#cv2.imshow("canvas", self.canvas.canvas.astype(np.uint8))
cv2.imwrite(f"canvas {time.time()}.png", self.canvas.canvas.astype(np.uint8))
if self.running_mode=="exit":
if self.running_mode=="detect":
def main(self):
while True:
(ret, frame) =
if ret:
self.key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=self.size[1])
frame = cv2.flip(frame, 1)
clone = frame.copy()
gray = cv2.cvtColor(clone, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
self.size = frame.shape
# if to take average and num frames on average taking is lesser than
if self.num_frames<self.avg_frames and self.take_average==True:
cv2.putText(clone, str(self.num_frames), (self.roi_boxes["mroi"][1], self.roi_boxes["mroi"][0]-5),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, (0, 0, 255), 1)
clone = self.find_contours(clone)
fmode = self.check_force_mode()
#vui = self.vui.get_window()
vui = self.vui.update_vui(pointer=self.roi_pointer["vroi"], cpointer=self.roi_pointer["droi"])
#self.roi_pointer["vroi"] = (-1, -1) # uncomment this and works on both but color pallete is not disabled
#self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode # uncomment this when nothing works
if self.vui.hover is not None:
self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode
if self.roi_counts["mroi"] is not None:
if self.roi_counts["vroi"] is not None:
if self.roi_counts["mroi"]-5 > self.roi_counts["vroi"] and fmode is not None:
self.running_mode = fmode
self.running_mode = self.vui.running_mode
self.running_mode = fmode
canvas = self.canvas.update_window(mode=self.running_mode,
self.final_window = self.get_window(canvas=canvas, vui=vui)
#cv2.imshow("CW", final_window)
self.roi_pointer["vroi"] = (-1, -1)
#cv2.imshow("Canvas", canvas)
#cv2.imshow("VUI", vui)
clone = self.make_rectangles(clone)
self.clone = clone
#cv2.imshow("Feed", clone)
if self.key==27:
ret, clone_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.clone)
ret1, draw_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.final_window)
#print(ret, ret1)
if ret:
self.clone = clone_jpeg.tobytes()
return clone_jpeg.tobytes(), draw_jpeg.tobytes(), self.detected_text
ret, clone_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.clone)
ret1, draw_jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpeg', self.final_window)
#print(ret, ret1)
if ret:
self.clone = clone_jpeg.tobytes()
return clone_jpeg.tobytes(), draw_jpeg.tobytes(), self.detected_text
#gw = ContourWriting(avg_frames=150, aweight=0.5)
Flask App
I don't know how to begin about Flask because I have done only few projects on Flask. If you have not installed Flask, then please install it using you package installer conda/pip. I will try to explain little bit of Flask codes but if you are new to flask, try to learn some basics about it too. I am learning Flask from e-books.
Project Structure
- icons
- icon images
- static
- css
- css files
- error/average taking images
- css
- templates
- index.html
- detection.html
Import Dependencies
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from main import *
import time
_, err_img_byte = cv2.imencode(".jpg", err_img)
err_img_byte = err_img_byte.tobytes()
- Flask is used to create an app object.
- render_template is to render an html file on distinct route.
- Response is to send a Response object to http request.
- From our
file, we import everything but importing only classContourWriting
will be enough.
The image error_frame.png
looks like below.
While showing every frames taken from camera to the web page, there were sometimes unexpected errors like can not grab a frame. On those situations, it will be a great idea to show an error image instead of showing error. Also this image is converted to bytes because we are sending this content as content of Response later.
Class: GestureWeb
As stated earlier on the flow diagram, this class will communicate with our ContourWriting class and takes current frames, VUI frame, and detected text. We initialize the class with only few things.
- Set
initially. - Create an object of
class GestureWeb:
def __init__(self, port=5005, debug=True):
self.detected_text = "Nothing" ContourWriting()
def frame_gen(self, camera, kind="frame"):
while True:
frame = camera.main()
if frame is None:
frame = (None, None)
if frame[0] is None:
frame = err_img_byte
elif frame[1] is None:
draw = err_img_byte
frame, draw, gw.detected_text = frame
frame = (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n'+bytearray(frame)+b'\r\n')
draw = (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n'+bytearray(draw)+b'\r\n')
if kind =="frame":
yield frame
if kind =="draw":
yield draw
Method: frame_gen
This method is actually a generator method. This method calls the main
method of the ContourWriting object and returns it to the calling route on every frame. Since we have to show every frames from our live feed to our app, we obviously need a thread to do this task without any execution delay. To return each frame to a calling function, we have to use the yield
instead of the return
- Call the
method ofContourWriting
object. - If it is
then we will pass error images to frame and VUI part of our web app. - Else, we divide the returned value from
method into 3 parts,frame
. - We then attach detected_text to attribute.
- We convert the JPEG encoded image into bytearray and attach it with our Content-Type.
- Then we yield the corresponding value (frame or VUI).
Index File: index.html
I want this file to show running feed and the VUI side by side on same page. Hence I must find a way to stack then horizontally. I got help from stackoverflow's comment sections. I am not going to explain the CSS/HTML here because I am not good at them.
{% raw %}
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-grow: 1;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
flex-direction: column;
flex-grow: 1;
display: block;
width: 100%;
display: block;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
<h1>Contour Based Writing System</h1>
<div class="container">
<div class="photos">
<img class="image" src = "{{url_for('video_feed')}}">
<span class = "word">Frames</span>
<div class="photos">
<img class="image" src = "{{url_for('get_canvas')}}">
<span class = "word">Canvas</span>
<iframe src="detection.html" style="float: inline-end;"></iframe>
{% endraw %}
To view video feed from camera, we will use image instead of video. It may seem like the video by use but truth is, combination of photos is also a video. So I used image as frame, we won't know that it is image but we feel like a real time video. And the speed of feed on web app is same as of camera. The video_feed
is a route that returns the frame as Response object. I am not going to explain much because I am also learning. We have distinct route for distinct image, for frame or live feed we have video_feed
and for canvas we have get_canvas
and the Jinja has made it possible. So basically, we will have live feed on left side and our drawing canvas on right side.
To show the detected text, we have detection.html
file. We are showing it on the bottom of our page and we are using it on same page by iframe
Detection File: detection.html
On this file we only show the detected_text
attribute of the object of class GestureWeb
{% raw %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">
{% endraw %}
I want this page to refresh in every 5 seconds so that it will return the detected text under 5 seconds.
Prepare Flask Decorators/routes
I hope someone comes up with a better way of doing following operations. I found these ways of working by searching on internet for whole day because this is my first Flask project from scratch.
Before First Request
app = Flask(__name__)
def before_first_request_func():
global gw
gw = GestureWeb()
- Create a flask app using Flask class first.
- Use decorator
to do some tasks before the first request made to our app.- We made our
's object globally accessible. - By making our
's object on early stage of app creation also makes our camera ready.
- We made our
Main Route
What do we want to show when user enters the main url?
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
We want to render the index.html
when user enters the main url. And we want to show everything on this page.
Route: video_feed
As I stated earlier on the index.html
there were 2 sources defined inside a img
tag of each image. One of them is video_feed
def video_feed():
fresp = gw.frame_gen(, kind="frame")
return Response(fresp, mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
On above code, gw.frame_gen(, kind="frame")
, gw
is object of GestureWeb. The method frame_gen
is generator. We are passing the object of ContourWriting
and the kind of thing we are expecting on return. Finally we return the response type via object of Response.
Route: get_canvas
As I stated earlier on the index.html
there were 2 sources defined inside a img
tag of each image. One of them is get_canvas
def get_canvas():
fresp = gw.frame_gen(, "draw")
return Response(fresp, mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
On above code, gw.frame_gen(, kind="draw")
, gw
is object of GestureWeb. The method frame_gen
is generator. We are passing the object of ContourWriting
and the kind of thing we are expecting on return.
Route: detection.html
Now to make our iframe
work on index.html
file, we also need to make a route for our detection file. While rendering this file, we will send the current detected text too. Please look again onto detection.html
file for more clearance.
@app.route('/detection.html', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def detect():
return render_template("detection.html", detected_text=gw.detected_text)
Teardown Request
This decorator is helpful when we close our tab or error occurs.
def teardown_request_func(error=None):
global gw
gw = GestureWeb()
return "ok"
Run it
The standard way of running flask app is like below.
if __name__=='__main__':
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from main import *
import time
_, err_img_byte = cv2.imencode(".jpg", err_img)
err_img_byte = err_img_byte.tobytes()
class GestureWeb:
def __init__(self, port=5005, debug=True):
self.detected_text = "Nothing" ContourWriting()
def frame_gen(self, camera, kind="frame"):
while True:
frame = camera.main()
if frame is None:
frame = (None, None)
if frame[0] is None:
frame = err_img_byte
elif frame[1] is None:
draw = err_img_byte
frame, draw, gw.detected_text = frame
frame = (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n'+bytearray(frame)+b'\r\n')
draw = (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n'+bytearray(draw)+b'\r\n')
if kind =="frame":
yield frame
if kind =="draw":
yield draw
if kind=="text":
yield detected_text
app = Flask(__name__)
def before_first_request_func():
global gw
gw = GestureWeb()
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def get_canvas():
fresp = gw.frame_gen(, "draw")
return Response(fresp, mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
def video_feed():
fresp = gw.frame_gen(, kind="frame")
return Response(fresp, mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')
@app.route('/detection.html', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def detect():
return render_template("detection.html", detected_text=gw.detected_text)
def teardown_request_func(error=None):
global gw
gw = GestureWeb()
return "ok"
if __name__=='__main__':
The result of entire code should look like below. From any terminal run the
file. I am using VS Code and I have r
This was just a simple deployment on web app. There are numerous system where user can write on their canvas by clicking mouse button and predicting what has been written. Also some people were telling me that we can do this by simple addons also. But I am not trying to prove my methods are best one and should be widely used. I applied what I thought and I implemented ideas onto codes. Now I deployed implementation code to web app. There are still number of problems that I have not found and I hope someone will find it soon.
I am going to point out features and shortcomings of this system now.
Codes to current version of the system is available on link below and if it is not, then hit the comment or leave me message (LinkedIn or Twitter or mail me).
- Deployed on web app.
- Live feed and drawing region are placed side by side.
- Detected text is checked per 5 seconds.
Shortcomings are most helpful to find new feature on next version. Well here are plenty of them.
- Sometimes frames are not read properly and OpenCV's warning keeps popping on the console.
- The system is usable by contour of anything. Hence some gesture confirming model must be used.
- Also on above video, there can be seen pointer moving rapidly on the VUI regions. It is not always acceptable by users. Hence it must be eliminated soon.
- What if we can create a model that can classify gesture and we can define a certain gesture for certain mode?
- What if we made a drawing model that can auto complete our drawing.
What Next?
I will try to solve shortcomings on next time. But I am interested to make this system run on mobile phones too. As per now, I am thinking of taking frames from device camera and process it. Then use some API call to get those frame. I might use Unity. I am highly excited to try using LSTMs and other state of the art Deep Learning Algorithms to make this system more awesome.