Introduction If I have to write about part, then this is the 5th part or 4th version of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. If you have read my previous blogs on this same topic then you probably know that how much have I progressed from the early version. Once my employer suggested me on interview […]
Month: August 2020
Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Add Slider, More Colors and Optimized Code
Gesture Based Visually Writing System is one where we try to write something on canvas by moving our fingers in the air. If I have to write about the part, then this is the 4th part or 4th version of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. If you have read my previous blogs on this same […]
Contour Based Game: Break The Bricks
Introduction From some weeks, I am working with OpenCV to make something fun on Computer Vision area. Now I want to try something new. I love to write blog along with coding. May be it feels like code along sessions? On this blog, I will try to make a simple Break The Bricks game using […]
Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Virtual Animation, New Mode and New VUI
Introduction From last some weeks, I have been busy with some simple yet hard task of writing anything on canvas just by moving fingers (still is writable by moving anything) in front of the camera. Initially I got huge help to extract contours from this article. Then I was on my own to think something […]
Writing a Logistic Regression Class from Scratch
Logistic Regression Logistic Regression is not exactly a regression but it performs a classification. As the name suggests, it uses the logistic function. This notebook is inspired by the github repo of Tarry Singh and I have referenced most of the codes from that repo. Please leave a star on it. Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning […]
Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Make A Visual User Interface
Before Everything Starts Well, before proceeding further, it is very important that you follow the previous blog where every concepts and codes are described from scratch level. I am adding a new feature here on the existing project so it will be a very great idea to understand the working mechanism of the existing system. […]
Writing a Linear Regression Class from Scratch Using Python
Linear Regression Introduction Before there was any ML algorithms, there was a concept and that was regression. Linear Regression is considered as the process of finding the value or guessing a dependent variable using the number of independent variables. Take for a example:- predicting a price of house using variables like, size of house, age […]
Deploying a Simple RASA Chatbot on Unity3d Project to Make a Chatbot for Android Devices
Creating a Chatbot on Android Using Unity3d and RASA Introduction How am I here? Back on early 2020 I was learning Unity3d from its premium subscription and I was suddenly more interested on it. Also while I was doing internship, I learned how to make a commercial chatbots using RASA and deploy it on various […]
Gesture Based Visually Writing System Using OpenCV and Python
Gesture Based Writing/Drawing Using OpenCv Python Theory Part This is the part of Gesture Based Visually Writing System. Gesture Based Visually Writing System Using OpenCV and Python Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Visual User Interface Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Adding Virtual Animationn, New Mode and New VUI Gesture Based Visually Writing System: Add […]